Master The Art of the Volley in Tennis Techniques

The Art of the Volley in Tennis

Welcome to our guide on mastering the art of the volley in tennis! Whether you’re a beginner looking to overcome the fear of approaching the net or an experienced player looking to enhance your skills, volleying is an essential technique to learn and perfect. By mastering the volley, you can elevate your game and add versatility to your overall tennis strategy.

Learning the art of volleying starts with focusing on hand-eye coordination and racket control. Starting close to the net allows you to concentrate on these fundamental aspects. Remember to maintain a relaxed grip and use a 45-degree angle with your racket for better control and accuracy.

During volleys, footwork plays a vital role in setting yourself up for success. Sprinting and rising during an approach shot, along with utilizing the split-step technique, are key components in mastering footwork for volleys. The right footwork can help you maintain balance and positioning, giving you an advantage at the net.

The grip you use while volleying greatly impacts the effectiveness of your shots. The Continental Grip, with a slightly open racket face, is preferred for volleys as it allows for more control and the ability to hit slice volleys. Incorporating specific drills and exercises into your training routine can help improve your volley skills.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mastering volleying is crucial for overcoming the fear of approaching the net in tennis.
  • Focus on hand-eye coordination and racket control when learning the art of volleying.
  • Proper footwork is essential for successful volleys.
  • The Continental Grip is ideal for volleys as it allows for better control and the ability to hit slice volleys.
  • Incorporate specific drills and exercises into your training routine to improve volley skills.

The Importance of Footwork in Volleying

Proper footwork is crucial for mastering the art of volleying in tennis. Your footwork plays a significant role in positioning yourself for the perfect volley and maintaining control over the shot. To excel in volleying, it is essential to focus on two key aspects: sprinting and rising during an approach shot to the net and utilizing the split-step technique.

When approaching the net for a volley, it’s crucial to sprint towards the ball to close the distance quickly. This explosive movement allows you to reach the optimal position for a successful volley. Additionally, rising during the approach shot helps generate power and stability, enabling you to execute a controlled and effective shot.

The split-step technique is another critical footwork element for successful volleying. This technique involves lightly jumping and landing with your feet apart just before your opponent hits the ball. By split-stepping, you ensure that you are balanced and ready to react swiftly to whatever shot comes your way. It allows you to anticipate the ball’s trajectory and quickly adjust your positioning for an accurate and timely volley.

The footwork techniques used during volleys may vary depending on the match situation and your skill level. More advanced players may implement a variety of footwork patterns, such as the crossover step or the slide step, to adjust their position and maintain an advantageous stance at the net.

Mastering footwork is crucial for maintaining a competitive volley technique and maximizing your net play strategies. Proper footwork allows you to position yourself effectively, react swiftly to unpredictable shots, and maintain balance and stability throughout the volley. By dedicating time and effort to improving your footwork, you can elevate your volleying skills and gain an edge over your opponents.

Next, we’ll explore the right grip for effective volleys and drills to enhance your volleying skills.

The Right Grip for Effective Volleys

The grip used while volleying greatly impacts the effectiveness of the shot. It sets the foundation for control, precision, and power during volleys. When it comes to choosing the best grip for volleys, the Continental Grip stands out as a popular choice.

The Continental Grip, with a slightly open racket face, is preferred for volleys as it allows for more control and the ability to hit slice volleys.

The Continental Grip is characterized by placing the base knuckle of the index finger on the third bevel of the racket handle. This grip enables players to maintain a consistent contact point with the ball and follow through with a firm wrist.

By using the Continental Grip, players have better control over their volleys, allowing them to redirect the ball more accurately and with greater finesse. It also facilitates the execution of slice volleys, which adds spin and unpredictability to the shot, making it harder for opponents to return.

Incorporating drills and exercises that focus on reinforcing the Continental Grip can significantly improve volley skills. These drills help players develop muscle memory, allowing them to instinctively use the correct grip during fast-paced match situations. By practicing volleys with the Continental Grip, players can enhance their feel for the ball and develop a more versatile volleying game.

Benefits of the Continental Grip for Volleys
Improved control: The Continental Grip provides better maneuverability and control over volleys, allowing players to precisely direct the ball.
Increased spin: With the Continental Grip, players can easily generate slice volleys, adding spin and unpredictable bounce to their shots.
Consistent contact: The grip helps maintain a consistent contact point, ensuring a clean and solid connection between the racket and the ball.
Firm wrist: By using the Continental Grip, players can maintain a firm and stable wrist position, enhancing the power and stability of their volleys.
Improved feel: Practicing volleys with the Continental Grip helps develop a better feel for the ball, allowing players to make split-second adjustments during volleys.

Volley Drill: Continental Grip Mastery

Here’s a drill to help you strengthen your volley skills and reinforce the Continental Grip:

  1. Stand at the net with a partner or coach.
  2. Hold the racket with the Continental Grip.
  3. Have your partner hit volleys towards you from various positions on the court.
  4. Focus on maintaining a firm wrist, consistent contact point, and using the Continental Grip throughout the drill.
  5. Practice controlling the direction and depth of your volleys with precision.
  6. Gradually increase the pace and intensity of the drill to simulate match-like conditions.

By incorporating this drill into your practice routine, you can develop a confident and effective volleying game that will give you an edge on the court.

Mastering Angle and Touch Volleys

Hitting angle and touch volleys can be a game-changer in tennis, especially when facing opponents who are positioned far back at the baseline. However, players using Eastern grips often struggle with executing these types of volleys due to the limitations of their grip. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome this challenge and improve the ability to hit effective volleys.

To enhance your volley skills, one crucial adjustment is to learn the Continental grip. Unlike the Eastern grip that limits racket maneuverability, the Continental grip allows for better control and flexibility in hitting angle and touch volleys. With this grip, you can easily adjust the racket face to create sharp angles and execute delicate touch shots when required.

Practice is essential in honing your angle and touch volleys. By incorporating specific drills that focus on drop volleys and sharp angles, you can develop the necessary technique and precision needed to execute these shots effectively. Regularly training with these drills will enhance your ability to read the game and make split-second decisions on when to approach the net and unleash angle or touch volleys.

Angle and Touch Volley Drills

Here are some drills to help you improve your angle and touch volleys:

  1. Drop Volley Drill: Set up a target zone, either marked on the court or with a cone, and practice hitting drop volleys that land softly within the designated area. Focus on controlling the racket face to create underspin and minimize the bounce of the ball.
  2. Sharp Angle Volley Drill: Position yourself near the net and have a practice partner feed you balls that require sharp angle volleys. Practice hitting these volleys with precision, aiming to send the ball away from your opponent and effectively close the point.
  3. Shadow Volley Drill: Visualize hitting angle and touch volleys while standing away from the net without a ball. Focus on the footwork, grip, and racket preparation necessary for executing these shots correctly. This drill helps develop muscle memory and reinforces the correct technique.

Note: Always warm up before attempting these drills. Start with shorter distances and gradually increase the difficulty level as you become more comfortable.

By mastering angle and touch volleys, you can add a new dimension to your game and keep your opponents on their toes. These shots can disrupt your opponent’s rhythm, force them to play defensive shots, and create opportunities for you to finish points efficiently at the net.

Angle and Touch Volleys

Remember, practice and perseverance are key in improving your volley skills. With the right technique, grip, and consistent training, you can elevate your game and become a formidable force at the net.

The Art of the Drop Volley

When it comes to mastering the tennis volley, one technique that shouldn’t be overlooked is the drop volley. This underutilized shot can be a game-changer, allowing players to keep their opponents off balance and put the ball furthest from their reach. However, players with Eastern grips may struggle with this technique due to the limited ability to angle the racket upwards.

Fortunately, there is a solution – the continental grip. By adopting the continental grip, players can gain better control over their drop volleys and sharp-angle volleys. The continental grip offers the versatility to angle the racket for optimal placement, giving players an advantage at the net.

To improve your drop volley skills, it’s crucial to practice specific drills that focus on hitting volleys on a vertical plane. By honing your technique in this way, you’ll develop the precision and touch required to execute effective drop volleys. Remember, practice makes perfect, so dedicating time to these drills will pay off in your performance on the court.

Now, let’s delve into some specific drop volley drills that will help you master this impressive technique:

Drop Volley Drill 1: Around-the-World

  1. Stand near the net on the deuce side.
  2. Hit a drop volley cross-court.
  3. Move to the center of the court and hit a drop volley down the line.
  4. Continue moving along the baseline, hitting drop volleys cross-court and down the line alternately until you reach the ad side of the net.

Drop Volley Drill 2: Backhand Alley Rally

  1. Start in the doubles alley with a partner on the other side.
  2. Hit cross-court backhand volleys to each other.
  3. Aim to keep the ball low and close to the net, focusing on the drop volley technique.
  4. Continue rallying for a designated number of shots or a specified time.

By incorporating these drills into your training routine, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of the drop volley. Remember, consistency and technique are key, so keep practicing and experimenting with different angles and speeds to further refine your drop volley skills.

Next, we’ll explore how players can overcome grip limitations to unlock their full potential in mastering the tennis volley. Stay tuned!

Overcoming Grip Limitations

One of the common grip problems that tennis players face when it comes to volleys is using grips that severely limit their ability to hit sharp angle volleys and drop volleys. Grips such as the Eastern grips promote a swinging motion, which can hinder their ability to decelerate the racket before making contact with the ball. However, there is a solution that can help players improve their volley skills and take their game to the next level.

The key to overcoming grip limitations is transitioning to the Continental grip. Unlike the Eastern grips, the Continental grip allows for better control and the ability to hit volleys with underspin. By using the Continental grip, players can have more control over their racket and execute volleys with precision and finesse.

Transitioning to a new grip may take some time and practice, but the payoff is worth it. By working on your grip and gradually incorporating the Continental grip into your game, you can enhance your volleying skills and improve your overall performance on the court. It’s important to note that grip adjustments may feel uncomfortable at first, but with consistent practice, it will become second nature.

Here are a few tips to help you overcome grip limitations:

  1. Start by practicing your grip in isolation. Spend some time off the court just holding the racket with the Continental grip and getting comfortable with the new hand position.
  2. Gradually introduce the Continental grip during your practice sessions. Start by using it for a few volleys and gradually increase the number of shots using the new grip.
  3. Work on your grip transition during drills and practice matches. Focus on maintaining the Continental grip throughout the entire volley, from the setup to the follow-through.
  4. Seek guidance from a tennis coach or instructor who can provide feedback and help you fine-tune your grip and technique.

By overcoming grip limitations and transitioning to the Continental grip, you’ll be able to improve your volley skills and have more versatility on the court. With practice and dedication, you can take your game to new heights and excel in your net play.

Improve Volley Skills

Tennis Player Testimonial: Transforming My Game with the Continental Grip

“Ever since I made the switch to the Continental grip, my volleys have improved significantly. I used to struggle with hitting sharp angle volleys and drop volleys due to the limitations of the Eastern grip. But with the Continental grip, I have more control and can execute these shots with ease. It’s definitely a game-changer!”

– Maria, recreational tennis player

Developing Creative Volley Options

When it comes to tennis net play, developing creative options can give you the edge over your opponents. By utilizing the Continental grip and practicing drills that focus on hitting volleys at sharp angles, you can expand your repertoire of shots and keep your opponents guessing.

The Continental Grip

The Continental grip is a versatile grip that allows for better control and manipulation of the racket. When volleying, using this grip enables you to hit drop volleys and sharp angle volleys with precision and ease. By practicing with the Continental grip, you can develop the necessary touch to execute these shots effectively and maintain control at the net.

Sharp Angle Volley Drills

Sharpening your ability to hit volleys at sharp angles is a valuable skill that can disorient your opponents and open up the court. By incorporating drills into your training routine, you can improve your accuracy and placement when hitting these types of shots.

Here is a sample drill to help you practice hitting sharp angle volleys:

  1. Position yourself near the net, with a partner or coach on the opposite side of the court.
  2. Your partner should feed you balls, aiming to create angles that require you to hit volleys diagonally across the court. Alternate between forehand and backhand volleys.
  3. Focus on using your Continental grip to control the racket face and guide the ball to the desired sharp angle.
  4. Repeat the drill, gradually increasing the speed and difficulty of the feeds.

By consistently practicing these sharp angle volley drills, you can develop the muscle memory and instinct to execute these shots in match situations.

Tennis Net Play Strategies

Mastering creative volley options is an important aspect of effective net play. By incorporating the Continental grip and practicing sharp angle volley drills, you can enhance your overall net game and bring variety to your shots. The ability to hit drop volleys and sharp angle volleys can keep your opponents on their toes and give you the upper hand in matches.

Benefits of Developing Creative Volley Options Techniques to Master
Keep opponents guessing Utilize the Continental grip
Improve overall net play Practice sharp angle volley drills
Open up the court Master drop volleys

By taking the time to develop your creative volley options, you can elevate your game and become a more formidable opponent at the net.


Mastering the art of the volley in tennis requires a combination of proper technique, footwork, and grip. By practicing specific drills and focusing on the Continental grip, players can improve their volley skills and add more variety to their net play. Overcoming grip limitations and understanding the different types of volleys, such as drop volleys and sharp angle volleys, can help elevate one’s game and make the volleying experience more enjoyable.

Effective volleys are crucial for players looking to take their tennis game to the next level. The Continental grip allows for better control and the ability to hit volleys with underspin, while specific footwork techniques ensure players are in the right position to execute successful volleys. Overcoming grip limitations associated with Eastern grips can open up a world of creative volley options at the net.

Continual practice and focus on improving volley skills can lead to increased confidence and success on the court. Incorporating drills that focus on hitting volleys at sharp angles and practicing drop volleys can give players an edge and keep opponents guessing. Remember, the key to mastering the art of the volley in tennis lies in technique, footwork, and grip – so keep practicing and enjoy the benefits of a strong volley game!


Why is learning how to volley important in tennis?

Learning how to volley is important for tennis beginners as it helps overcome the fear of approaching the net. Mastering the volley is crucial to improving overall tennis skills.

What is the easiest way to learn the art of volleying?

The easiest way to learn the art of volleying is to start close to the net and focus on hand-eye coordination and racket control. There are specific techniques, such as maintaining a relaxed grip and using a 45-degree angle with the racket, that can help improve volley skills.

Why is footwork important in volleyball?

Proper footwork is essential for successful volleys in tennis. Sprinting and rising during an approach shot to the net, along with utilizing the split-step technique, are key components. The footwork used during volleys may vary depending on the match situation and player skill level. Mastering footwork is crucial for maintaining a competitive volley technique.

What is the ideal grip for volleys in tennis?

The Continental Grip, with a slightly open racket face, is preferred for volleys as it allows for more control and the ability to hit slice volleys. This grip enables players to maintain the contact point and follow through with a firm wrist. Additionally, incorporating drills and exercises can help improve volley skills.

How can I improve my angle and touch volleys?

Hitting angle and touch volleys can help take advantage of situations where opponents are far back at the baseline. Players using Eastern grips often struggle with executing these types of volleys due to the limitations of the grip. Learning the Continental grip and practicing drills that focus on drop volleys and sharp angles can improve the ability to hit effective volleys.

What is a drop volley and how can I master it?

The drop volley is a technique that can be highly effective in keeping opponents off balance and putting the ball furthest from them. Players with Eastern grips may struggle with this technique due to the limited ability to angle the racket upwards. The continental grip allows for better control of drop volleys and sharp-angle volleys. Practicing specific drills and focusing on hitting volleys on a vertical plane can help improve these skills.

How can I overcome grip limitations while volleying?

The grips often used by players, such as the Eastern grips, can severely limit their ability to hit sharp angle volleys and drop volleys. These grips promote a swinging motion and hinder the ability to decelerate the racket before making contact with the ball. The Continental grip, on the other hand, allows for better control and the ability to hit volleys with underspin. Players should work on transitioning to the Continental grip to enhance their volleying skills.

How can I develop creative volley options?

By utilizing the Continental grip and practicing drills that focus on hitting volleys at sharp angles, players can expand their options at the net. The ability to hit drop volleys and sharp angle volleys can help keep opponents guessing and improve overall net play. Learning to hit volleys on a vertical plane and understanding the importance of grip and technique can enhance creativity and effectiveness in volleying.